Who do you listen to? Are you willing to take advice from these individuals, even if it isn’t necessarily what you want to hear? How about if they suggest you make a habit or behavioral change, how do you react to that?

The answers to these questions are important because they can determine if your life will be any different tomorrow than it is today. Similarly, they are a good predictor of if your hopes and dreams will be achieved? As addicts, simply refraining from using drugs and alcohol isn’t the only change we need to make. Our journey demands we identify the why behind our destructive behaviors and what prohibits us from breaking free from them.
There are brilliant and helpful people in this world, and we have access to many of them. These individuals provide sound guidance that, if employed, can produce meaningful change. However, we must be willing to listen and honestly reflect on what we are being told. Joy, money, peace, etc., do not enter our lives without reason. Rewards like these are earned through purposeful change that is often influenced by people we trust.
Those in recovery who are determined to live happy and productive lives are not afraid to surround themselves with coaches and social networks who push them to get better. They understand that their beliefs and behaviors cause their troubles, and for this reason, are willing to modify their approach to life and recovery. Simply put, they are open to the feedback and advice others provide them.
None of us want to hear about our character defects, but we cannot make transformational change if we don't. At specific points in life, we all become blind to the behaviors that stop us from achieving what we want, which is why it is so helpful to solicit the opinions and knowledge of others. It may be scary to seek this type of help, but it is the easiest avenue to finding joy and satisfaction.
Listening to and acting on the advice of those we trust is how we move our lives rapidly towards our hopes and dreams! Thus, who do you listen to
Choice Recovery offers IOP in the morning, evening, and via telehealth. Our evidence-based whole-body approach to care treats the individual rather than solely focuses on the disease. For those looking for IOP in Tempe, Choice Recovery is located in downtown Mesa only two blocks north of light rail.
Individuals enrolled in the Choice Recovery program can participate in group and individual counseling as well as a host of specialty services. Choice programming is centered on building an individual's core principle and identifying their purpose. Anyone who does this and lives according to them can accomplish amazing things. For more information, please call us at 480-527-0337 or email us at admin@choiceiop.com. Be well!