The statements that start with “I don’t want to” are effective because they leverage the power of “no.” Using “no” appropriately keeps our core principles driving decisions, allows us to stay true to those we value most, and enables purpose to thrive. However, at other times, saying “I don’t want to” can hinder our chance for greater possibility in life and recovery.

The beauty of recovery is that it brings progress to our lives, which inspires possibility. While this new possibility is always welcome, it does make life more complex. This complexity puts pressure on the deficiencies in our recovery, making us vulnerable to the inducements of our addiction. The negative feelings created by this inducement help us recognize the consequences of saying, “I don’t want to,” to the things we know we should be adding to our recovery. We often fail to do the very things that bring the most benefit to our lives. Our failure to confront our problems, integrate health and wellness into our routines, and engage in one-on-one therapy can limit our ability to manage the increased stress and anxiety our life advancement creates. Without the ability to manage the growing complexities of life, our chance for greater possibility is stymied, which is why we sometimes question the value of being clean and sober. There is no secret to finding joy and happiness; when we are honest about where we need to strengthen our recovery and then do it, life gets a lot more fun. Work to understand how you are using "I don't want to" statements; are you using them to advance your life forward or limit possibility. FOR CONSIDERATION: Make two lists; put all the things you hope to have or accomplish in life on the first list. This list might include a house, your dream car, a family, a job-paying six-figures, peace and satisfaction, minimal cravings, and many more. On the second list, put all the things your therapist/coach/sponsor has suggested you do that you have not done. This list might include going to 90 meetings in 90 days, getting a job, cleaning up financial or legal issues, moving into sober living, being willing and unselfish, exercising, addressing past traumas, acting like an adult, etc. As you review the two lists, realize that the “I don’t want to” list, the second list, is what is/will keep you from realizing many of the hopes and dreams you placed on the first list.
AHCCCS insurance is accepted for drug and alcohol outpatient treatment at Choice Recovery. We offer a host of services including group and individual counseling, coaching, and case management services. Choice Recovery offers IOP at night, in the morning and IOP via telehealth. Specialty groups including MAT Support, Couples Workshop, MRT, and Organ Transplant are available to individuals looking for individualized treatment.
If you are looking for evidence-based holistic substance abuse treatment, please give us a call. We are located in Mesa, Arizona. The AHCCCS plans we accept include Mercy Care, Care 1st, AZ Complete Health, and more and we also take most private insurance plans. You can reach us at 480-527-03374 or by email at